Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are the least liked and least trusted candidates. But if you won't vote for either one of them, what about the combination of Stein and Johnson with their running ates joining for strength of globally international peace–what the entire world wants. Americans are fed up with forein civil wrs and foreign intervention in proxy aggression killing and wounding youths.
This US. election is the first and more than likely the last chance to change from a war economy to an economy for peace and happiness. With a trustworthy non-lying activist woman for peace, what's not to love and adore?
Their running mates would of course have prominent positions in their administration and then after four years they could change positions to run for the next election. These four excellent politicians would make America better and for international peace as well. This would be a campaign the entire universe as we know it would vote for. People entrapped in cross-fire and gun smoke or warring nations are sick of losing their young people sacrificed with the blinck of an eye for old men's greed and love for blowing Earth up into smithereens-a word coined during the nuclear age.
Jill as United States' first woman president, she would satisfy the women's vote. No normal female wants to commit wars that harm children, youths and women the most. Gary could be her running mate. Then in four years these two candidates could switch positions–Johnson for President and Stein for vice president with their running mates with prestigious position. This scenario would inspire what books, documentaries and Hollywood is all about. We've had enough war movies. Now we need to have inspiring, adventuresome peace movies with the theme of love, what makes the world go around.
Bring the U.S. armed forces homeward bound to be trained for natural disasters and terrorist attacks, with both increasing across globe as I write. America especially needs to have a refreshing greening as bombed out Middle East needs to be a phoenix rising from ashes of ruins and the dead.
One of my musicians included in my book Songbird Angels For Peace wrote lyrics with the songwriter compassionately statinf, "I don't want to shoot men in sand any more." What a change it would be for the Middle East would become an Oasis of greenery and beauty. All I can think of is that little Syrian boy shocked and dazed by toxic bombs as he wiped the blood from his face onto his pants–and even worse, the little Syrian boy in the same war washed up on shore with dead fish poisoned from weapons of aggression,.
People of the world help America change by cheering for peace candidates. Only then will all men's gods stop weeping. Only peace economies can bring peace, not corporate industrial war ecoomies that politicians say are for peace are sheer fraud and corruption
Helene, World Enlightened News WEN, words written straight from my heart
author of Songbird Angels For Peace, musicians the world over. The songs that rise up from each Eartha war ring out by the billions do to the accumulation of world violence and terrorism.