(my spell-check not working as usual}
No one, but those who pray for international peace. wants eternal endless bullying aggression in a warped war economy. Peace economies save trilliona of funds as only government corporations are profitable during wars. These are the historic facts about mad monster behavior of men who love war and will never give up their insatienable appetite for more gun smoke, more lethal weaponry and blood flow, unless peace-loving non-warrior women of power are elected world-wide leaders:
1. Nations that invent, test. stock and stage genocidal atomic/H-Bombs for agresssiive threater of war are the world's worst, most costly financial menaces. Wars are the largest gas guzzlers and carbon- causing contaminents of the lower atmosphere. The loss of lives of kids and youth soldiers often wounded warriors is anso a violatrion againt humanity as wars cause regugees and diastrophic death to all forms of life.
2. National arsesenals are ueed to annhilatate one another, the three historic religions blasting their adversaries for centuris. The "Big Three" related Abraham faiths make up a family leadership that originally were Semitic-Jews, Christians and Muslims. These leaders are the villains. There must be a deadline of four years to elimante stock piles used to threaten one another into complete mutual death with pariah isolation, punisive enforcement, but not Middle Eastern sanctions that kill and harm children the most.
3 No mortal should ever be in eontrol to activate the red botton, nuclear code drop-kick football as if war was a game to be won, with everyone the losers, Winners have to reconstrucrt all the cities they exploded with toxic weapons pollluting air, water and land and DNA of combat parents often bearing deformed babies.
4. Playing god by saying "he told me" to commit war decribes a "fanatic loser who can't or won't change one's mind"–Winston Churchill definition
5. Internaational Law and its Court system declares any nationn that attacks another sovereign countryis a war criminal, a violation against international Law and Order that must be enforced with forceful action. Besides, urban war zones violate International Law. All people on the only planet we know is populated by humaniy, is a miracle of evolution among the countless stars, moons. heavenly bodies within our own Milky Way galaxy among the infinity of cyber cosmic space.
Helene, World Enlightened News, WEN
co-author of Fission, Fusion, Fission, The Making of the H-Bomb with Bill Beyer, nuclear physicist of Los Alomas, friend and employee of Stanislaw Ulam, who with Edward Teller invented the H-Bomb–also the author of Songbird Angels For Peace, world musicians whose lyrics are anti-war throughout all historic war aggression