Mark the strong voices of New Earth seers, America in the near future will have a triangular system of Democratic, Republican and the non bureaucratic parties, the latter being the People's Party for Peace. This change for the betterment of humanitarian health and happiness is evolutionary and inevitable..
It is the beginning of a peace economy instead of chaos and mayhem based on endless aggression. The corporate government profit, schemes of chicanery and corrupt bullying of war-zone gore will be ruled out. This is not what the great United States of America represents, far from it.
The environmentalists and lovers of liberty will be the new phoenix rising from the flames caused by bombs that shatter, slaughter and behead people and animals as all forms of life will rise up from the ashes of greed, control and conquering other nations and cultures for religious reasons, albeit it Jew, Christian or Muslim.
All youths must have a new start from former stress and helpless suicidal sorrow among combat soldiers and others who can no longer cope with war onslaught and never getting ahead in life. It will be the world's young people who will be the champions. It's their future, not ours who can only think it terms of explosives as solutions. It will be a new enlightened beginning to counter an imperial rich class of American ruling so called "pure" race, a perilous hierarchy called class division of color-coding that one man invented in the late 1700s. Look him up, the Father of Race, a bogus divisive rival system that needs to go back to the horse track–Johann Friedeic Blumenbach who influenced Hitler and the Nazis to commit the evil of genocidal Holocaust. Mother Nature, from whom we get our beginning, can be wild and harsh. This must be the world's focus, not fixation on schemes to wipe one another out.
Oh, I just woke up from an enlightened dream that would solve the nightmares of war. Has anyone else had the same exerience? I think so!
Helene, World Enlightened News WEN
author of Songbird Angels For World Peace (revised)