Saturday, October 15, 2016


This vibrant India's young people's organization I commend highly for their dedication to India as they question caste, religion and race. In fact, the rest of us in truth also scratch our heads over whats behind these universal problems quite difficult to understand.

Meanwhile I've been researching these issues and have made a career out of the results–reams of articles and books on universal peace. In a nutshell, this is what I came up with in this maddening world of dog eat dog.

1.  caste system invented by Indo-Europeans–still in America through hierarchy of "black" and "white" a plan to justify slavery of American Indians and American Africans

2.  religion founded on primitive Man's fear of the unknown that developed into superstition and man-made gods and goddesses to counter terror; man later banned Greek and Roman goddesses to eliminate female side and now only male deities in a global male world, at last opening to thoughts and activity of women after centuries of ignorance and bully power against the distaff side

2.  Swedish Carolus Linnaeus classified all animals, including evolved Man, in the 1700s. In 1797 Father of Race German Johann Friedrich Blumenbach divided Man again by color-coding all humanity–black, red, yellow and red, the beginning of dark racism

For centuries Man has fought and tried to eliminate each others ethnic cultures as race wars continue to plague Earth our Mother, our only homeland.

This rising youth group of India is an inspirational movement–a pattern, a paradigm–that it would behoove all nation's to follow vigorously to end caste, race and religious wars on behalf of global harmony.  The world's youths are not our future.  Youths are their own future.

Helene, World Enlightened News WEN
author of Songbird Angels For Peace, world's musician lyrics for peace