Monday, March 13, 2017


Militant political leaders talk the talk of increasing nuclear bombs..  But they don't walk the walk that the impoverished and destitute  do. Helpless people are under the nuclear gun of fake security.  Millions of people would be annihilated if lany rogue leader decides to crush a country to oblivion with nuclear power. Such reckless behavior would set off the domino effect and the end of all countries of on Earth in the galaxy of the Milky Way–chaos beyond all imagination with human panic unbounded. No nation no matter how powerful should ever rule with nuclear weapons.

Self-righteous self-centered bullies bow their pious heads and forget about the great peacemakers of the only world we know. Mutual Assured Devastation (MAD) is inevitable until global absolutist autocrats change their mentality for all out war that squelches security of any nation. We all must feel more for humanity than our own nation's  controlling power and greed.  This mindset of course includes endless fume of rival related religions continuing their archaic fixations to kill each three genetic branches of their persuasion off for insidious reasons. Negotiation and sincere communication trump and make good peace deals, not accumulated toxic emissions smothering the lower atmosphere of Earth.

The bottom line in any aggression is the war child. Bloody bath water with babies thrown out in dirty warfare is the resulting war child. Millions of homeless, ragged war kids existing  on rubble and tetanus ruins cost Americans trillions of dollars, alone. Destroying the Middle East especially triggered by Gulf Wars and the Iraqi War, the later erupting in 2003, hurts young people the most.   Were trillions of war debt–financed by U.S. citizens who were against this holocaust–worth the lives of millions of war children? And what about other nations who also kill with brawn versus brain? Don't they know military force will never solve world problems. Man has been in charge ever since cave men blubber each other to death.  Let's give peace-loving women a chance for ruling men, instead of the opposite.

World Enlightened News, WENews   Entire Songbird Angels For International Peace
post code number 11816 includes world musicians against the atrocity of war. Where are the  caring diplomats caring for charity for other nations' inhabitants and all forms of life, yes, even precious pets, out beloved cats and dogs. Faith in hope and love beats all corrupt leaders who instigate proxy wars, arms races and meddle in foreign civil aggression