Monday, June 5, 2017


For centuries the Vatican disguised its demonic Inquisition as the "Spanish Inquisition,"a secretive euphemism that is just the top of the molten lava volcanic crimes. This serial criminal institution forced its way in collusion with the government through a "Holy" Alliance and laws "to save souls" through one proselytized falsehood of lies–torture and death to heathens (non-believers of deadly dogma)  Pope John Paul II was shrewdly enlightened. The Internet and Google do not cover up history as Christian torture machines are viewed on the WEB as in the Tower of London.

 Pope John Paul II, an honest man, apologized for thousands of years that the satanic church violated human rights:as millions of innocent people were slaughtered,  burned and tortured to death.

Bloody Christian Crusades against Jews and Muslims
Christian Inquisition against anyone who disagreed with the Roman Catholic Church
Burning alive at stake of innocent people not accepting papal power
Torture by Dominican and Jesuit monks-wanton slaughter and sordid behavior
Inhumane violations against women by an all male-powerhouse

Such crimes mirror Nazi torture as this wealthiest institution also supported Hitler and his Holocaust. "Saint" Thomas Aquintas said it's better 100 innocent people be tortured and die rather than one heretic (non-believer) goes free.  The Inquisitional church, besides torturing and killing infidels, also confiscated their property which left their families in poverty.

This church history of excruciating brutality and ignorance is well-documented. So what can be stopped to relieve modern terrorism and violence by religious wars? It can start at the pulpit where men still rant their own supremacy and the only route to Heaven is theirs, weekly. This is sheer nonsense of absolute foolishness as this deep-seated peril keeps revenge going.  Those who provoke terrorism, especially among naive youths, often radicalize others into violence.  Hit weakling cowards say "Kill anyone who's not one of us"–men in black flying black banners while circling around in gas-guzzling trucks yelling satanic copy-catting of the archaic Inquisition.  This peril provokes untold numbers of lone wolves.  Americans no longer are Inquisitors as in the Salem church witch hangings,  but its racist, ideology history spurs on violence throughout the winds of time.

Preachers preaching words that they know better than their two main-stream rival branch family ideologies, have no idea how their own rhetoric affects young people for death. These men forget their own history that was the worst. But the victims of supremacy remember, as the victimizers forget.  Absolute words may sound innocuous, but they spread danger that causes suicide bombers, radicalized young people, dying and taking others out with them, complete nonsense about life eternal.  No one has returned to Earth to report such fairy tales. Their ilk is outragiouslly preposterous.  Hope is one thing, as Poet Alexander Pope wrote, "Hope springs eternal, but outright lies are falsehoods.

World Enlightened News
a Helene Smith, author of The Dark Side of Blind-Faith and the award-winning poem Torguemada, about Grand Inquisitor who tortured infidels to death. The "Holy" Office still reigns as it now has an innocuous title so the church doesn't look guilty of its vicious wanton savagery.  After doing research on the church she learned John Calvin, a Protestant who founded Calvinism, ordered Michael Servetua, to die.  He was a medical scientist  who didn't belief  in church dogma.  This good man was burned alive at the stake in the world's worst holocaust.