How about giving war some competition-like give peace a change. Wars never did bring peace, only anguish. World-wide people pray for peace, not war. Poet Virgil, born in 70 BCE, wrote "There is no safety in war!" War defense must come from nations harboring their own extremist religionists. Youths need to get peace-making careers in a sea of historical aggression for war spoils, greed and religio-political control. This can happen when the defense department is divided into two separate groups–war and peace each receiving equal salaries and perks, with no extra funding for taxpayers.
For centuries one-sided war aggression has no competition, yet the warriors pray to their gods for peace–complete absolute nonsense. They act as if their gods are stupid competing for first place victories amonng their creations as youths on both sides die or are handicapped for their lifetimes. War hath no victories since everyone responsible must clean up their mess against humanity and the exploding environment filled to the brim with accumulative toxic emissions over the centuries,.
World Enlightentebed News
Helene, author of Songbird Angels for Peace, lyrics of world-wide musicians against wars