This murderous control by Monsanto on human food supply is a deadly cartel. The World's largest user of this herbicide. also known as Glyphosate, is Roundup. It is definitely a weed killer. However, it also can kill human beings. Its effects on DNA "show mechanically that Roundup is positively a carcinogen when human beings come in contact with it." Monsanto, the producer, conducted its own research and found it not guilty. Consider the source! Monsanta also is responsible for genetically modified (engineered) organisms (GMOs. When I was in Europe a friend, an English barrister. gave me a tour of London's high court that was in session. She told me Monsanto was being sued for similar offenses. In 2015 the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a branch of another World organization for similar research, conducted its own research on glyphosate.weed killer. The results concluded the ingredients in Roundup can cause cancer, such as non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and other cancers, even liver problems. Monsanto wants a monopoly of seeds that is serious human rights violation. Is Monsanto also blocking Google from reading all about Monsanto's offenses?
World Enlighten News, W.E.N.
HCS, investigative journalism, author of the Pesticide Poisoning on the Shoshone-Bannock American Indian Reservation