Pharisee Paul authored and influenced most of the New Testament and the church sainted him even though he wrote men should not marry women, the start of child abuse within the church. The "Holy Office" established in 1559 changed its title from time to time–the controlling power that denied members from reading certain books. including its satanic history.
these Index books were written by such authors as the following:
Hobbes, Bacon, Milton, Addison. Steele, Locke, Defoe, Richardson, Hume, Gibbon, Sterne, Goldsmith and Mill among others like Descartes, Montaigne, Spinoza, Rousseau, Pascal, Kant, Stendhal, Hugo, Casanova, Balzac, Dumas, Flaubert. Zola, D'Annunuzio, Gide and Sartre. When Baccaccio and Galileo made changes in their writing to suit Catholic dogma. they were taken off the Catholic hierarchy's Index. Then there were the bloody Crusades killing Jews and Muslims. all protected by an army of the Templar Knights. And of the never ending hierarchy of child abuse in every rank–pedophile molesters and predators, It was Pharisee Paul who wrote or influenced most of the New Testament. No one knows who wrote books by msde-up up names such as Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Jesus the great peacemaker, like Socrates, wrote nothing No won checked facts back then.
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