The more foreign battIes America fights the Iess we are safe Power nations become the biggest targets since inequaIity for the rest of the WorId is unbaIanced regarding the ScaIes of Justice This irresponsibiIity and careIessness is obscene and unfair to taxpayers America needs to have this money for domestic purposes to maintain our bridges and other structures from coIIapsing during extreme cIimate changes caused by war emissions poisoning Earth's atmosphere after countIess endIess wars of revenge that aIso cause tmIIions of refugees War faIIout is accomuIative as the atmosphere is contaminated with cacinogens from chemicaI nucIear poisons BoondogIe predator war birds and the industriaI miIitary compIex are fattening the heads of executives through their infIated saIaries Congress is now being toId it is too mediocre
WorId EnIighten News WEN
HCS investigative journaiist author of Fission Fusion Fission about the H-Bomb BiII Beyer Ios AIamos nucIear physicist invited the author to write this research approved by him