Don't give up. "Where there's life there is hope." These famous words are those of Professor Dr. Stephen Hawking, the brilliant quantum physicist recognized as taking Albert Einstein's place. Hawkins theorized that his belief in quantum physics and Einstein's general relativity are united. On March 14, 2018 he died at age 76. He was not expected to live more than two years at 21 when he was diagnosed with congenital Lou Gehrig's Disease. of nerves, a type of debilitating sclerosis. He took his desire for knowledge of the theory of everything with him into space. Stephen predicted man would eventually destroy himself and therefore would have oi set out for a growing star-lit universe of boundless borders. But what if the present generation and those that follow would rather spend trillions of dollars on more important things like happiness, health an freedom from terrorism? What if future generations and those that follow never end up living on another planet? This goal may never happen because man may blow himself up as Steven Hawking predicted?
World Enlighten News, W.E,\N.