Is this politician talking about his way, the Christian right mindset, or what is really the American culture that includes more than a thousand different religions?
Dear One,
It's the opinion of the same man that the Muslim world's main indoctrination is to convert all people to Islam, as Muslims now copycat Christian dogmatic conversions through the Pauline Great Commission. The Christian absolute rival goal is to proselytize all nations to Christianity proved by endless funding of foreign missionaries all over the world.
"The past history of the Christian Church should be a solemn warning to us never to permit an alliance to be formed between the priesthood and the civil magistracy–between Church and State powers."–Zelotes Fuller
Mame. author of ERASE RACE! abolitionist to eradicate bogus color-prophiling race started by a German Caucasian–the Father of Race that believed the so-called "white race" is supreme over all other categories