There's no doubt according to statistics U.S. wars in the Middle East have cost more American Indian, American African and Latinos lives than any other national or cultural group. It's poverty and poor paying jobs that drive soldiers to be needlessly sacrificed through ongoing religious war combat–those who die the most and are handicapped for life.
Then add all the Muslim lives lost and we begin to get an inkling of the reason for terrorism and violence boomeranging retaliation that now threatens America ever since the revenge of 5,000 military bases built, maintained and abandoned all over the world–what the G.W. Bush Administration knew but refused even mention–Muslim threat that crawled accross all U.S. TVs, what caused the New York and Washington, D.C. attack on September 11, 2003.
Hilary's political baggage and dangerous war vote make her a poor presidential candidate. Any evangelical or war monger woman frothing for more killer combat boots, more child-deforming ammo, more bird nest proxy wars , more export of toxic weaponry and more frantic weather needs to have their heads examined.
When any religious leader conditions and programs youths like robots to believe his or her faith is the most superior, they need to be shot into space and look around at all the planets that also may maintain life. Are they ruled by any one of the three Semitic branches–Jewish, Christian and Muslim? Read the Jefferson Bible that only contains the good humanitarian words attributed to Jesus the great peace maker.
Helene Smith (Mame),