John Adams, second president prior to Thomas Jefferson, nominated John as chief justice. His court opinions helped form Constitutional law. after Jefferson wrote the historic document with the advice of Adams, James Madison and Quaker Thomas Paine. Jefferson discussed with them the idea of the constitution being revised every 34 years or so to accommodate the present people and current circumstances versus those of the past. He said a child doesn't wear the same size pants or shirt all his life. Changes go with the flow as amendments to the Bill of Rights are added regarding voices of the people.
At that time the number of Supreme Court justice were changed from six to five during campaign chicanery. By the way Marshall exonerated Aaron Bur as a traitor, even though teachers in history classes still vilify Burr of this falsehood. The Alexander Hamilton-Aaron Burr dual in which Hamilton received a fatal shot, brings to mind the politics that Hamilton, who was not popular, drummed up about Burr who could charm any woman. Hamilton claimed Burr committed incest with his beloved daughter Theodosia, one of histories most egregious political campaign lies.
John Marshall had eloquence and charm as well as good humor and common sense with vision of the future. When he died the Liberty Bell rang in Philadelphia, toll after toll, what cracked the iron bell that remains in the same condition to this today.
Helene Smith (Mame),