Monday, February 8, 2016


This behavior alone is lethal when waged by men speaking from pulpits or executive offices and pretend to be holier than thou. Religionists are quite gullible and often hide behind hidebound Jewish Christian Bible thumper mentality. President Thomas Jefferson didn't swallow any of the mythology believed to be real. He composed his own bible that exclusively included only good humane words attributed to prophet Jesus of Nazareth in Israel where his Jewish mother gave birth to him. According to ancient Jewish history his father was a Roman soldier, Panthera. Jesus the great peacemaker didn't write the New Testament Great Commission for Christians to take over the world.  He wasn't born yet and wrote nothing down for documentation.

Evangelists may be smart in some ways but so ignorant when it comes to fanatical fixations. They have been spoon fed fantasies from birth. I'm still recovering from words of preachers. Many people are programmed and conditioned to ancient beliefs that are ingrained in society to this day.

Far right Tea Party Republicans, who are not conservative when it comes to Mother Earth, are quintessentially dangerous when they get elected as president of the United States. Have we forgotten G. W. Bush and company waging illegal war in Iraq, what flamed the embers of three rival religions now in roaring fire that started in Biblical days.

Years ago I attended a Tea Party meeting as an investigative journalist.  It was held in the French and Indian Bushy Run Battlefield in Westmoreland County, PA.  My shock and awe made me gasp when the cultists shouted "Burn the Koran. Burn the Koran."

So now these same evangelical members of America are trying to elect another right winger, such as Mark Rubio and Ted Cruz, a very dangerous move against U.S. founding fathers  and constitutional rights. These yearlings want to tear down tbe protective wall between church and state.  Fortunately there are enough Americans who would not stand for such bias retardation against the land we love. 

Tea Party advocates can't be trusted since their education is limited by church bias. The Great Commission in the New Testament forces missionaries to take over the world.  Any religion that attempts this sham is dangerous in a multi-cultural world of thousands of faiths, with the law religionists still trying to kill each other.

Bigoted sermons still direct people to believe unbelievable virgin births copying the archaic Egyptian myths with gods born of women who never had sex with a man. It's nothing new.  If you want to believe this, it's no sin. But when mixed with government affairs, it becomes mandated poison. The most wealthy religion on this wonderful Earth is run by a hierarchy that wavers back and forth from one pope to the next, good and bsd ike Ratzinger who was backward and wanted to regress to old outdated ways.  Or the monarchy murdering one of the present-day pope because he wanted to change dogmas.

Fortunately Pope Francis today is reforming past religious crimes one by one. I wish him good luck and long life. 

Helene Smith (Mame).
World Enlightened News (W.E.N.)