Dolly's heartfelt song Daddy Won't Be Home Anymore, The Despairs' lyrics "A burned out life sold to war, a wasted youth searching for a lost childhood" and Mick's War Baby, "children strong and pure heed not the gods of war"–all have the same theme.
It was president elect Donald Trump whose good judgment told him not to vote for the Iraq War that re-enforced ISIS that for more clout joined with the Iraqi army that the Bush administration fired–thus the present terrorism and violence world-wide.
It was Hillary Clinton who was the war monger supporting G. W. Bush's atrocious war crimes that wars always end up with, millions of cause and effect homeless refugees fleeing to foreign lands. It wasn't what she said but what she did. It's the youths who suffer the most, with terrorists hiding among them to continue their violence. It's the politicians who keep the forever civil and proxy aggression going as power nations supply global arsenals to other countries that often end up in enemy hands in the vicious rival game of related religious wars.
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