Education is lacking in so much of what we think. Jews, Christians and Muslims are all related though Hebrew Abraham's children. These three Middle Eastern faiths have been fighting since the first century with violence and terrorism. Prophet Jesus walked along the road to Damascus land in Syria now in rubble and smoking ruins from bombs and other toxic weaponry.
Meanwhile Palestinians who gave up land for Israel to be formed are being persecuted as Israel leadership thinks their faith is the only real faith as they want to lord over the other two Semitic faiths. Former Secretary of State, John Kerry, deduced there will never peace between the two nations, that must be separate nations due to rival faiths. The only logical, working solution is for Jerusalem to be made a neutral district independent of the two countries. The US District of Columbia is still successful in this respect.
Jesus of Nazareth loved little children as he blessed the peace makers. Mad men still try to rule the world out of greed, control and lust for power. But they still worship the great force that made Earth, and pray to their gods all considered absolute. What irony modern man is still captive of!
Helene,World Enlightened News W.E.N.
author of Fission, Fusion, Fission the result of President Harry S. Truman ordering the dropping of nuclear bombs on Japan, despite that nation being forced into surrender. Generals at the time said the motive behind this genocide came from the billions of dollars the government spent on inventing and producing these Earth shattering bombs. Besides, it was the case of using the Japanese people as guinea pigs. But lust goes on, as men want even a more gross bomb. The true story involves the Edward Teller-Stanislaw Ulam dispute over the hydrogen bomb. contact