Tuesday, January 24, 2017


Billionaire George Soros has massive iron-clad straps to what is now cast as "A Woman's Hatred March Against President Donald Trump."

But no woman had the strength, completely on her own, to object vociferously to urgent matters such as two inventors of the hydrogen bomb with more megaton power than atomic bombs. It's nuclear weaponry unleashed as trident missiles and threatening other nations with stored nuclear bombs above and below ground. This issue is quintessential for the world.  It's not a business president trying to confront an ongoing establishment that doesn't believe the working class matters and doesn't believe in wasting the lives of young soldiers sacrificing their lives in foreign countries through proxy wars and civil wars. This means wasted funds for futile religious aggression continuing from the first century to the present by three related Abraham Semitic cultures still trying to kill one another in fashioned, out-dated archaic wars, even though cyber wars are even more dangerous.

Meanwhile, the adamant wife of Stanislaw Ulam would not give up her intense goal in squelching this genocidal bomb, in a world in which atomic bombs similar weapons are violations against International Court that  rarely enforces it laws, especially regarding powerful nations. All nations having land on Earth are part of Earth regardless of G.W. Bush breaking Bill Clinton's agreement that the United States must abide by law, International Law. Did the Bush Dynasty purchase a thousand acres of land in Paraguay in case reckless G.W. would be held responsible for war crimes?  One of his crimes was attacking a sovereign nation, Iraq, a serious global violation. Both Dick Cheney and George Bush admitted their war is still a bungled mess, even though G.W. blamed it on "God"when he heard a "divine" voice telling him to do it. Unfortunately, that voice didn't come from a goddess telling him,  "Now, now, George!"

Francoise Ulam did everything in her power to prevent her husband's discovery that was the most important thing to make this Earth-shaking monster work.  But in the only stage-produced script, Francoise Ulam, as many women do, blamed herself.  This mystery is the climax of Fission, Fusion, Fission, the making of the H.Bomb–now ready for production as a movie.

World Enlightened News, contact www.macdonaldsward.com