Mother Nature is wild enough tossing humans and animals all around in whirling dervish tornadoes, hurricanes, tsunamis and earthquakes. But man has now added so much havoc and hair on fire that our planet a only a tad from the breaking point. The arms race is all about exporting caustic genocidal weaponry world-wide to keep war economies going? Do babies in the womb have the right to not be expelled at birth or born with life-long gross deformities from toxic war environments? Don't humans have rights against global war emissions tampering with weather and climate changes that is smothering Earth with nuclear chemical fallout that increases abnormal cancer and other associated diseases? Is it OK for any government to carry on climate warfare such as HAARP in Alaska and Puerto Rico and elsewhere? Do these facilities covered with high frequency radio wave antennas also cause mental problems, too? Does such climate warfare exceed human rights globally? Could the United Nations outlaw poisonous World-wide wars since they are killing global –deformed war-torn babies and youths sacrificed for religious and political confrontations?
World Enlighten News W.E.N.
Helene C. Smith, activist for international peace