Color-coding of humanity started in 1779 when a German, Johann Friedric Blumenbach. divided people into raw primary non-colors, The other non-color is white, Color-coding is the lowest term to call humanity, according to racist history. He also had the opinion that Caucasians, living in the Caucasus Mountains around the Black Sea, were the most beautiful. Prior to this contentious start of a house divided Carolus Linnaeus came up with different names for people, like Negroid and Mongolian. These categories then became racist aggression. Another word for concocted "race" is nationality. To avoid the tragedy of dividing people into primary colors, why not use a more proper and peaceful term such as Asian, instead of yellow or Negroid versus black, the non-color th at is the most negative according to the dictionary? Malcolm, X said black is beautiful. It is beautiful as we think of such things as automobiles. However, this word has taken on lowly meanings according the the same lexicon. Any variations of complexions from black to white are also beautiful, a blend of a variaty of forms regarding pigment. But lets get real and try to avoid color friction and concentrate on good human values instead.
Helene C. Smith, activist for international peace