Twitter has encouraged this trend. Someday we will be talking in abridged terms all linked together. This really confuses the already shortened terms such as AIM, meaning American Indian Movement, now meaning Am I Mad & Accuracy n Media. How many shortened words can we remember, especially when they copy one another? This could be embarrassing if you chose a word other than the one you were thinking. Just imagine interpreters for foreign nations going berserk with such mayhem. Countries could also trigger aggression through a serious misunderstanding of the new language. So let's give it a try with the newest abbreviated language
12/1717 ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBCN& FX NWS etc. reports NOKSOK not OK–SOS. Soon language will be be totally impossible to decipher as new abbreviations keep springing up like toad stools.
World Enlightened News, W.E.N.
AKA, Helene