It doesn't take a three-eyed cyclops to see wars in "God's name" are responsible for deaths of all peoples suffering from first attack aggression.
Here are a few of documented opinions of mad, self-centered men who think they are on a mission delegated by their gods through religious fervor:
"By defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord. . . to bring about means nothing less than sinning against the will of the Eternal Creator."–Adolph Hitler, Pauline religionist during WWII–driven by Nazi Germany and radical words of German Johann Friedrich Blumenbach who invented four classifications of colored-races in the late 1790s –resulting in deaths of seven million people, including the aftermath of the religious racist holocaust
"You ask who I am, who speaks this to you . . . If you had not sinned God would not have sent me hither to punish you."–Genghis Khan (1167-1227) absolutist fundamentalist warmonger standing before 30,000 slain Seljuk Muslims confident and smug about carrying out phantom words of his make-believe god
"I am driven with a mission from God who told me to end tyranny in Iraq and Afghanistan by committing [illega] war]" that resulted in millions of deaths of soldiers and civilians by a born-again leader."–2003, former President George W. Bush
Dear Ones,
Perhaps you can think of other world leaders with similar fanatical zeal in history.
Mame, investigative journalist who researched and wrote SUN DANCE, the pesticide poisoning of the Shoshone-Bannack nation