Jesus of Nazareth, "the Arab capital of Israel," never said to behead anyone. Decapitate was not in his vocabulary.
Dear Ones,
If ever peace reigns among international governments the aggressive ones must stop their boomerang weapon exchanges that fuel genocidal crime of serial wars. The rest of the world is held hostage between the crossfire of violence and terrorism slaughtering young people and contaminating Earth's environment.
War is the worst guzzler of gas and oil and the grossest carbon, chemical and nuclear arsenal producers in the world of industrial corporations getting fat on war as most people pray for peace.
It has been said. when no one shows up for wars, they will stop. Today in the Middle East in Iraq that was carpet bombed in 2003 by an illegal child-deforming war, soldiers there have no will to fight. But knowing war vultures. there will be enough ammo sent to keep fueling this crime of humanity. Proxy and civil wars between rival faiths can not be won. After centuries of racial religious wars, they have never ceased.
However, when all young people have an opportunity for equal employment and get funding to go to college or trade schools, they will have an alternative career instead of sacrificing themselves as burnt offerings on alters in war zones.