This beautiful island nation has no warring borders. It was an ancient station for the lucrative slave trade with British, English and French rivals coveting the original people for bondage in free labor. But now its change for the better lies in valuable, moral endeavors of these indigenous people whom greedy foreigners exploited them and their land.
The strength of this "island continent" lies in it youth who have never had to sacrifice their lives in combat. The democratic elected progressive president with a musical alphabetic name, H.E.Hery
Rajanonarimarimamplanina, has plans for a new-age government. As an innovative force in Africa he recognizes this nation's great biodiversity despite its 92 percent poverty from past disrespect forl aw, order and political mismanagement. Its eight president has made leaping reform in the Malagasy economy and prosperity that brings happiness to all people.
This Elderodo is mostly made up of unexplored land rich in gems-sapphires, emeralds, rubies and most of the Earth's gold. The weather is good all year round for agriculture and future tourism
The president is strongly welcoming global investment in his undeveloped arable land, the Indian Ocean's "food basket" plentiful in vanilla, coffee and cacao and shrimp together with clothing for exprt trade. Building cnstruction and real estate are also important features for investors.
However, its sense of rule of law and democracy are its most importance values.
Helene Smith (Mame),
World Enlightened News (W.E.N.)