Meanwhile Sec. Hillary supported the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that caused one battle after another and a three trillion Pyrrhic cost not worth the loss of soldiers through deaths and life-long suffering. How can she expect to hold such a position as Commander in Chief of America as a war lord.? How can we trust her with such a high, powerful seat in the oval office?
She already has shown poor judgment and admitted to gross mistakes. Instead of being above board she has manipulated herself around self-made problems leading to another war in Syria that brought on ISIS. These child-deforming carbon making wars also resulted in thousands of orphans and endless lines of refugees without homes. The amount of military suicides have also increased as a result of her supporting the Middle East religion civil was inherited by the Obama Administration and taxpayers having to pay the burden of militant nuclear missiles that bring on revenge in a circle of contaminating fire and radioactive ashes and toxic emissions.
How can such a smug, arrogant person who thinks she is above the law be awarded with presidency when she is lacking competence and common sense despite her experience in foreign affairs in which she failed?
Helene, World Enlightened News (WEN)