Today I turned on my TV and even the NETFLIX and news were spoken in Spanish? Did I accidentally touch the wrong button? Was the decision for one language was made when England won over the Spanish Amaada in 1588 after British Sir Francis Drake and Lord Charles Howard led the defeat by setting seven English ships on fire on Calaz port in Spain? Or was it decided during the Seven Years War in Europe, the French and Indian Wars? Or was it during the American Revolution against England? Is it because Congress speaks and reads important issues in English? Do lawyers in their English "lawerese" create reams of papers so high that Congress doesn't have time to read the issues in English? If this daily correspondence would eventually destroy all forest lands in America, would we still be having this controversy. By the way, every other country in the World speaks their own language, why interpreters are paid well.
HCS World Enlightened News, W.E.N.