Thursday, March 15, 2018


The common man can't see the disasters from nuclear subs committing secret wars with powerful ammo under precious melting Arctic ice that raises water and floods islands and low lands.  Now there is propaganda for excessive $350 billion more funds for these destroyers of marine life and polar bears as well as war's collateral damage–all life forms. The United States,  Russia and Great Britain are in a power grab for ocean floor oil drilling with nuclear submarine missiles that could cause WW III that would be worse than any one war. This would result in a nuclear winter–a chaotic holocaust.  No one can imagine the extent of the genocide that would also affect the future of mankind, an apocalyptic end of beautiful planet Earth.  Winslow  Myers wrote Living Without Wars–a Citizen's Guide. These two enlightened authors tell the truth that is the dream of people the World over–our common dream for peace instead of the usual dismal war in which there are no winners.

HC, World Enlighten News, W.E.N.