How in God's name can big powers get a pass to make and store nuclear bombs and missiles while also preventing other nations from having them? Even a school child on a playground recognizes inequality that in the real world leads to devastation as we all are kept in fear of any nuclear weaponry when men play war. Actually, no nation should harbor nuclear weapons. Talk to the Japanese.
Dear Ones,
Presidents Reagan, Carter and Obama all originally believed in zero nuclear bombs. Why are genocidal bombs and missiles allowed on planet Earth and why are corporate missile manufacturers allowed to rule the world as they do? Each Cruise missile alone costs taxpayers $1.4l million dollars! Not even one put Osoma bin Laden out of business.
But these weapons are obsolete in a cyber world and are useless for defense. If these genocidal weapons worked, how did September 11, 2001ever happen? The must effective attack is through surprise, such as using ones own airplanes as bombs. Why are we so blind that we can't see the truth?
Meanwhile, everyone is in fear of the military killing us instead of so-called enemies. And who benefits the most? Of course missile manufacturers get rich as they compete with the most powerful nuclear active missile- companies of all.
The aftermath of all this devastation takes its toll on soldiers' infants born with deformities, generational genocide. Remember the Gulf War syndrome when children of combatants were born without limbs and malformations and retardation passed on down from one generation to the next from so-called depleted uranium used to kill again–double jeopardy, peril from the same source. Wars are bad enough, but the aftermaths go on killing and making people suffer
We may rant and rave but militant mentality will continue to use and threaten us all with illegal toxic chemical and nuclear active ammo and weaponry made of nuclear waste dropped on foreign nations. And these physical menaces will keep on being made, each one more potent than the last.
And taxpayers will continue to pay for what is threatening them and killing people and the green environment as protesters keep trying to stop police brutality of people with more protective pigment them selves.
And the pious will return each week to their places of worship to pray for peace, as weapons manufacturers and distributors who rule the world go about their business as usual, not aware of the fact that human beings are all dying from the rage of futile religious racial wars. Will nature finally stop us as man-made greenhouse gases from weapons' carbon emissions choke us all as war itself causes multiple earthquakes? May that not happen, as hope springs eternal.
Mame, champion for a strong-willed peaceful, nurturing woman president in a paternalist world in which men have never been able to stop endless battlement, although the Obama administration is doing the next best thing–negotiation, diplomacy and arbitration instead of death through illegal weapons according to International Law that prohibits urban battle zones where children play and adults work. But who cares? Especially when law and order isn't enforced?