Why doesn't this Israeli leader have to go through inspections and the same treatment Iran is experiencing. How can anyone trust any nation storing nuclear bombs? No country should have nuclear bombs and weapons.
Dear Ones,
Israel and the United States are not spotless when it comes to corrupt foreign affairs in which money deals are made right and left. The U.S. alone broke over 400 treaties with the indigenous people–broken promises. What arrogance to only allow one militant course of action by preventing Iran from having nuclear energy. Iran has been consistent in its religious belief that does not condone nuclear genocidal bombs. We're barking up the wrong tree,
Iran has the right as a signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty to process low-grade uranium for peaceful purposes, what the Israeli prime minister ignores completely. It was the Nazi's who caused the Holocaust, not the Iranians or Palestinians as the latter have the right to be a nation state instead Israel holding its people as refugees in poverty.
Iran has always been a sophisticated, well-educated intelligent nation. It's the countries who have the most powerful nuclear bombs and missiles who are the most dangerous to others and themselves. Presidents Reagan, Carter and Obama believed that zero nuclear bombs are the safest and most responsible nuclear deterrent, instead of a bloody scorched Earth policy.
Netanyahu is threatening a full-blown religious sectarian war with the world caught in the crossfire. Iran has a 4,000 year history. It is Persian, not Arab. Iran is proud and resents Western imperial powers through all its Arab Spring revolutionary violence.
All the Israeli prime minister wants is to destroy- Iran's economy completely with instability and sanctions that harm mostly children and women left in poverty.
helenesmitih1.blog spot.com