At the end of the day–a cliche I don't use since it's a pet peeve lacking creativity–the gain from wars is big time looting. We are appalled at witnessing on world TV young people throwing rocks and bricks and setting cars on fire. But immature minds with emotions on high often use forces they see every day–often military and rogue cop violence and terrorism as a device for solving problems during protests for equality.
Dear Ones,
We deplore looting of merchandise that has nothing to do with social movement for justice to all. Yet we see the military committing serial crimes of war with not a blink of the eye. Foreign wars thrive on victories that are short-lived.
Spoils of wars mean winning battles but losing precious loved ones. Spoils of aggression also include:
gaining political patronage
constant juggling of territorial boundary lines that keep world atlases in the black
reaped benefits in general by plundering
destroying other nations security arsenals and factories
confiscating land, resources and goods
Before we condemn young people who know nothing different than poverty and inequality let us not turn a blind eye toward adult misbehavior when it comes to extremist religious racism. What youths want most is to be heard and food on the table as well as modern technology through cyber space.
Meanwhile, classrooms must include the teaching of good morals, respect and dignity for people and kindness to animals from kindergarten to high school. Maliciousness that is negative is not acceptable in any civilized society. The people of one exclusive Earth pray for peace and yearn for great schools of unbiased secular education. Perhaps certain prisons could be converted to education all over the world.
Mame, author of ERASE RACE NOW!