Thursday, April 2, 2015


This program was a breathe of fresh air from the usual stale cry "Bomb, bomb, bomb" as if the military was the only fixation for problems. Ever since the first century militant action never solved problems through war revenge.  All your quests spoke well, especially brilliant guest Abba Alamosewa from Yemen astutely said, "Wars are for destruction." And  a reminder of the 2003 Iraq and Afghanistan attack that was reckless and committed through lies to the public.

Dear Ones,

Sama Al----------- from Yemen also revealed the actual situation in Yemen that absolutely needs to have humanitarian relief instead of contamination  of water, land and air as children look up in horror as they are blasted to pieces by carpet bombing and nuclear missiles that are genocidal and grosslty deforming of infants who often die, especially those of combat soldiers handling illegal toxic chemicals and non-depleted uranium weaponry that International Law and Criminal Court outlaw in urban zones. This is another issue that needs to be covered–wars that generate genocide through poisonous ammo

Transparency shone through that Saudi Arabia was being funded by the United States as this brutal war when an unstable government is down and out helping opposing secular religious-political ideologies.

It would be worth having this program repeated for more coverage especially to the American pubic who are constantly bombarded by propaganda and manipulations of facts in the news.

Also, a program telling why Israel gets off the hook for surveillance and inspection of their illegal weapons of mass devastation. How do they get away with it?  When people call in during discussions many ask the same question but I've observed over the years this question is never answered.   I know that the U.S. is 70 or more percent Christian, even though the Treaty of Tripoli in 1796 emphasizes the America was not founded on Christianity and that it is not against Muslims, but how can one nation have enough illegal bombs to use as threats while its neighbors have not. I agree that the world must stop the proliferation of these monstrous killers of all life, but justice is for all is the best policy.

Presidents Reagan, Carter and Obama got it right–zero nuclear bombs.  Dismantle, dismantle, dismantle. If you don't have them you can't use them. They're obsolete. This is the new age of cyber wars.

Mame.  investigative journalist and author of Fission, Fusion, Fission the Making of the H-bomb requested by Los Alamos nuclear physicist Bill Beyer, friend and employee of Stanislaw Ulam  founder of the H-bomb with Edward Teller