Monday, March 7, 2016


Hilary Clinton doesn't want to remember the past that makes her susceptible to repeating her poor judgment over the most chaotic war the world is now facing. Roman Virgil born in 70 BCE (before the common era) wrote "There is no safety in war."  Yet evangelicals promise to make the world safe. It can't be done as long as there are lone wolves thoughtlessly killing in schools, where weak killers prey since they've lost their consciences and can never be heroes of courage.

Bernie Sanders' answer about his faith I would have answered the same way if questioned.  Bernie quoted the Golden Rule of intellectual prophets and philosophers. The great Spanish philosopher Santayana also wrote, "Only the dead see the last of wars."  Do we really have to die for international wars to cease–innocent babies and all?–despite evangelicals saying they are born in sin, how bizarre!  Greek philosopher Plato wrote, "Those who forget their history remain children all their lives."

Bernie, as a wonderful peacemaker, also doesn't want the United States to fight and kill in any more Middle Eastern wars, as Hilary voted to commit the Iraq War.  The world has already had too many Eastern related faith wars–Hebrew, Crusader and Islam, the most dysfunctional family in the history of the world since they all still slaughter one another.  Onward Christian Soldiers Marching on to war, with the cross of Jesus , , , ,  War beheads more soldiers than in any other situation.

I trust Bernie's wisdom to become the next U.S. president. Civil wars and proxy wars are the grossest carbon producers as well as the largest gas guzzler in the world where everyone prays for peace.

All the evangelical candidates, meaning there not willing to change, according to dictionary meaning, champ at more military build up, more death of soldiers and civilians, as they chip away at the life of Earth and "we the people." These misinformed candidates sound juvenile and out of touch with the real world since they have been programmed and conditioned to one persuasion from the time they were baptized, often by priests who also abuse young men and get away with it. I too was baptized, but when I became a teenager my mind was growing toward world peace after coming through world war II.

When I was a child I spoke as a child but when I became an adult I could see through the curse of the world reflected in a glass window–TV–constant scenes of foreign nations being exploded with toxic chemicals and radioactive weaponry as soldiers are laid to rest in graves–originally all having crosses over them, a biased military still defying separation of church and state, a constitutional law–as evangelical candidates mouth the Constitution and break it at the same time.

Helene, World Enlightened News (W.E.N.)