America is still slanted toward faith that influences politically biased policies, such as a Republican Congress that made an illegal pact to disfranchise all President Obama's.progress for the welfare of the United States. This fact makes all their eyes blackened by their own unlawful prohibition. One has to wonder if the present Supreme Court would let their religion rule their preconditioned minds, like when G.W. Bush was made president by conservative Justice Antonin Scalia.
It was the mythological Noah's son Ham (some say grandson Cush) who "saw" their father naked, a sin of the Catholic faith, Therefore Ham was exiled to Ethiopia, the title of the continent in archaic times–what brought on the corrupt lucrative slave industry.
From this Bible myth Jewish Christians foolishly interpret that all Africans are sinful according to their complexion derived from the hot African sun radiation near the equator, And therefore many people thought all Africans are sub-human, thc core of color-coding racism today.
"That many good men have believed strange fables and lived many good lives under that belief (for credulity is not a crime,) is what I have no doubt. They were educated to believe it, and they would have believed anything else in the same manner."–Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason
Helene (Mame).
World Enlightened News (W.E.N.)