HILARY is all for herself. Bernie is all about love, kindness and improving social issues, but the greatest of these is love according to Corinthians in Paul"s New Testament.
After working with American Indians of the West I know many capable indigenous women who would be eligible for being the first American woman president. One of these women was sterilized under the CIA program of genocide under George H. W. Bush when he was the director from 1976 to 1977'. At that time Senator James Abourezk exposed this criminal activity of sterilzing American Indians and :Puerto Ricans whenever they were adnitted to hospitals. I still have this woman letters send to me.
It would be such an important event in America if in the future an indigenous woman was the first groomed to be president since we all live on land once the property of First Americans.
In the next presjdebtuak election this could happen after years of the U.S. government trying to exterminate the original people. It almost happened. There's only l or 2 percent traditional Indians living on the last of their lands.
Helene Smith (Mame),