Wednesday, March 23, 2016


The leading healing clue involves four global movements, the most treacherous ones in the history of the world.  The last one has been added in modern-day history.

These insidious inhumane atrocious mandates are;

THE GREAT COMMISSION in the New Testament that demands fundamentals to go throughout the world and prosyltize the Pauline religion is the best and only true one, as Crusader missionaries still try to force their own faith on humanity.

THE MANIFEST DESTINY, term proposed by a New York newspaper man, John Louis O'Sullivan, to justify the stealing of First American Indian lands that became governmental genocide, a holocaust through out all the Americas

THE LUCRATIVE SLAVE INDUSTRY that used the Hebrew Bible (the Noah mythology and his son Ham) to justify capturing experts in agricultural of cotton, rice and indigo plantations from Africa, leaving behind the children and elders to fend for themselves, a holocaust of dark complexioned people by a "white" Anglican church and government in tandem with one another. The missionary mission was to destroy any culture to trade it for their peculiar religion as extremist ISIS destroys ancient cultures that are foreign to them today, precious monuments of historical Earth. This atrocity of colonial missionaries also destroyed the ethnic indigenous cultures of the Americas.

THE FINAL SOLUTION by Hitler, a baptized Crusader, and  Nazi Germans to exterminate Jews and other people on their unwanted list. Experts now say"this tragedy could not have happened without Christianity. (Holocaust by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat)

But the irony of all these Crusader-led movements is that extremist radicals of the Muslim faith have taken on forced non-believer killing to give up other people's inherent religion and become Muslims or else die by the sword. When history repeats itself in sinister ways, the entire world weeps, as it now is doing from the terrorism and violence of ISIS that shuns drones dropped on Muslim land.

Meanwhile, the entire world is now uniting against uncivilized murder of innocent people, the  bane of global humanity.  To understand the present we must review the past for the hope of the future.

Helene (Mame),
World Enlightened News (W.E.N.)