This stiffness is perilous when we're not sure if the United States intervened in foreign affairs in the collapse of the USSR or other US hacking of issues in 30 nations. This smacks like another excuse on behalf of Hillary Clinton who is now not even in the picture.
President Obama's snap judgment puts the president elect on the spot, as did G.W. Bush in his illegal futile Iraqi War, making President Obama inherit all the corruption of Pandora's Box of explosions that ushered in ISIS causing world violence and terrorism–what Hillary supported and voted for.
Nemesis, the Goddess of Revenge is the fate of death. Retaliation is the same old un-merry-go-round that keeps blow-back in endless bombing. Whether it's all out war or assassination by drones, children and youths get the brunt of the aggression often killing innocent people. War is an orphan-maker and a widow-producer with women, children and young soldiers suffering the most. Besides, revengeful political and religious wars have been committed for centuries without any relief on Earth, every ones' homeland also being abused by toxic weaponry and accumulated emissions affecting the environment.
World Enlightened News (W.E.N.) author of Visions of Wisdom with Mickey Old Coyote who graciously supplied the photographs of The Crow Nation Then and Now also