Empiric Cruce created Nouveau Cyne's publication in 1623 (Thomas Willing Blanch's translation) concerning international arbitration for a world peace coalition, chaired by the Venetian pope.
In 1638 the Duc de Sully published his first volumes on behalf of world concord. Attempting to reduce the strength of the Hapsburgs (or Habsburgs), he drew up a plan to maintain everlasting international peace. His goal was a European League of princes–for a balance of power.
US President Woodrow Wilson's League of Nations (Fourteen Points) was struck down in 1919 following WWI, as he lost his health in the struggle for peace.
In June 1941 the United Nations was formed. Its constitutional goal is to deter war. But "deter" is a bugaboo loophole that permits the madness of men to continue carnage against humanity–because they can do it.
Dear Ones,
War is so ingrained in the annals of history that even throughout the age of enlightenment, this thread of peace never reached the apogee of reason–the total banning of wars. Thus eliminating a plethora of atrocities by making the villains complete pariahs, the extremist terrorists lose their power, no matter how much money they accumulate for human annihilation.
However, the accumulative burden of war pollution on all life and Earth itself is taking its greatest toll together with the increase of deaths among citizens–as well of the horrible sacrifice that youths suffer their lifetimes.
Wars cannot stop terrorism neither by bombs nor by nuclear missiles. Explosives are the problem. They breed the lust for bigger and more powerful explosives and toxic emissions to the blow the world into smithereens–a
word coined during the radioactive atomic age–all to even the score during rival games of war. It has been proven quintessentially that futile wars must be outlawed through law and order. Let's all grow up. Wars are already illegal from their poisonous emissions. May the end of lethal aggression be a watershed mark of evolution.
Be peace strong.
helenesmith1.blog spot.com
Advocate for international peace