War Departments and terrorist groups that commit aggression are responsible to International Law since all nations and organizations reside on the same planet.
Military war economies are also accountable for corporate lethal chemical/radioactive munitions destroying Earth and all the living. Terrorism and violence in the hands of religious extremists are ruling the world as it is funded by other extremists reckless with power.
Dear Ones,
Hugo Grotius, the father of International Law in the 1600s, was not only intuitive of how weaponry and its explosive emissions would keep increasing larger and more powerful over centuries, but also was aware of the fact that such a monstrous arsenal would eventually cause Earth and all life to halt by our only planet's breaking point–the only one that is responsible for all our needs.
Thank goodness President Obama has announced recognition of how corporate government has been listening to military warmongers instead of humanitarian leaders concerned over conserving the environment.
On September 23, 2014 (around international peace day) he has proclaimed that radical drastic climate and weather change are the result of the industrial war age pumping out gross amounts of man-made explosions together with other contamination from factories polluting air, water and land. This pollution is the largest reason for the warming of oceans as outdated radioactive nuclear submarines are dumped into bodies of water as well as seven H-bombs and all other waste matter.
Accumulative poisonous emissions over centuries of time have also been culprits.
Carbon black powder explosives have caused more carbon dioxide than nature can handle. Wars are the world's largest gas and oil guzzlers, what I keep repeating for emphasis in my posts.
Precious Earth is one of a kind in the realm of our knowledge.
Let's not continue to spoil it for the spoils of war. Now that alternative natural energy is making its mark versus dinosaur fuels. vehicles are already fueled by electricity. Present-day warfare is absolutely out of the question. The lust for war oil is an obsolete, obscene cause.
We the people must take hold of our own lives and not let evil totalitarians provoke men into beheading and slaying one another in the name of their own rival gods. No good god would require such savagery as a creator, whoever or whatever is the source of our very existence.
Today extremist groups are mimicking the archaic Inquisition, with the government and one religion publicly executing and burning alive at the stake non-believers of their contrived ideologies. Those who follows such brutal savagery also are terrorists with no assurance they will ever be rewarded in the afterlife.
We must dominate and be present in our own lives for we are the greatest source of security–our own wisdom and knowledge and not that of man-made political power warped by fanatical persuasions. We must all be part of a united coalition that does not enable or accept any other than justified law and order enforced by International Law, the United Nations, Nato and all institutes and individuals who care about life. liberty and the inherent right of happiness.
Advocate for International Law and
the enforcement of its Criminal Court