Paul wrote most of the New Testament (what Christians forced upon the Hebrew Bible) and also influenced his doctor friend, Luke, to write Acts. Paul's greatest thirst and mission was the Great Commission to go to all nations and convert the inhabitants to one absolute religion. This persuasion caused more people to be tortured and die than any of its other two related Abrahamic religions and their controversial militant sects.
Dear Ones,
Today, even though Paul in Antioch, Asia Minor (now Turkey) founded his first church where the name Christian was a derogatory title, his Great Commission still causes gashing teeth and aggression. In later centuries the powerful Papal State with one master over all–the pope, meaning father–became all powerful until the twentieth century. By this time the Catholic influence through its paternalistic faith was the cause of the bloody Crusades (meaning cross) and the torturous Inquisition and evil court, the Tribunal of the Church Militant.
In later years the Vatican imprisoned scientist Galileo for pointing out that the Earth goes around the Sun and imprisoned him, later with house arrest until he died. Meanwhile we all know the Sun does not revolve around Earth as Catholics were forced to believe. It is Earth that does the revolving.
During WWII at least one pope was in cahoots with Nazi Germany and its inhumane, deadly Holocaust or shoah, a Hebrew name.
The Vatican also forbade their subjects to get smallpox vaccines as many people died as a result of the ignorance. Today this monarch still hangs on to forbidden birth control, although Pope Francis is beginning to see the light.
Despite all its corruption, The Great Commission is still causing world chaos through churches and missionaries proselytizing in nations where its religion is is not wanted–in the false name of "God's command." Besides, the world now contains thousands of varying religions and their sects, in disagreement with one another–all proclaiming they are the one and only absolute religion!
Trying to militarily destroy one radical extremist terrorist group never stopped the Catholic Church or Communism. The best way to bring peace is through equality and justice for everyone. So far Democracy seems to be the winner.
Advocate for international peace
and peace of mind versus corrupt persuasions