Sunday, September 21, 2014
When wars in modern time are on the brink of "the last resort" activists instead of carrying flaming torches display placards saying "Not in my name"–not even in the name of God as past presidents have done.
Dear Ones,
Solon in Plutarch Lives wrote:
"Equality breeds no wars." Today this means no religion has inherent power over any others.
Benjamin Franklin is remembered for his shrewd words:
"There never was a good war–nor a bad peace."
The wisdom of great men seen through black carbon gun smoke of the ages shines on despite war departments foaming for corporate wars in war economies, often against the wishes of thinking presidents.
Historically ancient turkey hawks have fooled the public into committing aggression in the name of their "Gods."
"You ask who I am, who speaks this to you . . . If you had not sinned God would not have sent me hither to punish you."–Genghis Khan (1167-1227), absolutist, fundamentalist warmonger who arrogantly stood before 30,000 slain Seljuk Muslims–confident and smug about carrying out his imagined, phantom words of his "God."
"By defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord . . . to bring about [anything conceived as pure Anglican heritage, which means] nothing less than sinning against the will of the Eternal Creator."–Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler, a baptized Nazi leader who used Christian rituals to promote his evil.
In the words of Rudyard Kipling, "lest we forget"–terrorism will always clone terrorism. Be peace strong!
Advocate for International Peace