Monday, September 29, 2014


The largest corporate war manufacturer, Lockheed Martin, is "trading at record prices to reap rewards from escalating military conflicts around the world with missiles, drones and other weapons" of mass destruction.

Dear Ones,

Jack Ablin, chief investment officer at Chicago based BMO Private Bank, who oversees $66 billion including Northrop Grumman and Boing shares, said:

"As we ramp up our military muscle in the Mideast, there's a sense that demand for military equipment and weaponry will likely rise" –a good opportunity for the elite.

The following tongue-in-cheek text is a prayer for total annihilation by world-wide corporate war departments.

"Oh God over all the Earth, give us strength and conviction in our every twisted thoughts and manipulations of our blood-stained hands.  Give us perversion to manufacture and invent the most dreadful ways to torture and kill our foe–woe to us all.

Make these measures even more violent than the Inquisition and its gruesome court of "justice"–church and state working in coalition.  Insure us that beastly cohorts and corporate masters of war together with the ancient Tower of London can benefit to the up most, as well as all radical extremists ignorant of their own good, wholesome ideals.

May we  continue to contaminate Earth, our only source for life, with endless aggression that mainly harms innocent children as well as women who grieve in anguish over sons and daughters killed and maimed in combat–after giving birth to their loved ones.

Holy of the most holys, see that all future children will be deformed from lethal chemical and radioactive munitions and so-called depleted uranium manufactured from nuclear waste dumped in foreign lands and shot around the world. Keep ammo factories going so that  babies are born with missing legs, arms and organs hanging outside of their little bodies. May some even have cyclop  eyes and two heads, making decapitation even more enjoyable to mindless terrorists.

And please be sure that the culprits of war lose their god-given minds that provide them with quilt for what they do.  May each warped conscience of evil be numb to their inhumane actions.

Lord of all hosts may our weather and climate also go berserk through centuries of poisonous explosions, accumulation of chemical and radioactive munitions causing greenhouse gases to heat oceans, polar ice to melt and toxic emissions to choke us all. Keep the winds of war to go around and around–in the air, on the land and in the seas that provide us with so much.

War master of us all, may we continue our religious mission to slaughter our fellow men, women and children–the satanic history of man on a planet that needs to be capitalized for respect.  May we all foam at the mouth and gnash our teeth to keep war fuming and may the devil be with all–those who connive and plan for cunning warfare that is fair to no one.  And especially, keep war economies going, for they strain happiness from all life.

In the name of who or what created us all."

Helene Jingleheimer Smith, certified historian who twitters for peace (macdonaldsward) (whose pattern of life has been compared to that of Mark Twain)