The U.S. and other top military governments have funds to commit wars but never enough to clean up their messes–with taxpayer's money that could instead by used for education and health–such as research evidence for the cause of cancer and other war diseases from pesticides made from WWII surplus nerve gases that kill.
World war departments recruit youths to be scapegoat sacrifices as these combat soldiers are proudly announced that they are sacrifices for god and county!–on battlefield alters carried over from the archaic past when children were given up to gods as burnt offerings–in the name of a god, the generic name for deity. What good god would want such a satanic thing!
Does it never occur to the high brass that human sacrifices–with big generals that betray us out of harms way–are an insult to combat soldiers as they die and are wounded in battle, if they don't take their own lives first–a very sad, grievous fact.
Mark Twain was right, he wanted no part of war after experiencing it. He said his biggest aim was in making a bee-line to the nearest fence, jump over it and go home. I mention this fact from time to time because I am thankful that he saved his life as the world forever enjoys his wonderful literature and humor.
This brings up another pet peeve. After one war is over before going into the next endless one, wounded combatants are brushed aside and often die from waiting in line to get treatment. We should not be surprised with the format of war–a bad habit of committing and abandoning those who were trained, programmed and conditioned into killing, as we wonder why minds are stressed out with trauma for the rest of the lives of armed combat forces.
When the Bush wars first attacked Iraq and Afghanistan I envisioned thousands of dead and dying soldiers on both sides, with the survirors coming home without legs and arms and shell-shocked minds. None of us should be surprised over these war-torn youths.
Caskets are rarely seen in large numbers coming back from battles–out of sight, out of mind. All the therapy in the world cannot erase what combat armed forces have to endure. Whatever helps to bring relief is good–but the subconscious mind never forgets as nightmares attack in the middle of the night.
Besides physical and mental abuse of young people, military bases both domestic and foreign are built and stocked with toxic chemical and child-deforming, mentally retarding munitions such as Agent Orange herbal waste originally used against western First Nations in the U.S. Nuclear waste also leaks in the oldest nuclear waste dumping site in Washington state at Hanford, now leaking and threatening the Columbia River. This is just the top of the volcano in a dump and run world.
The U.S. with thousands of military bases, mostly unwanted–what caused September 11, 2001 tragedy–does not have funding to move all its industrial war equipment and clean up the pollution. This disgrace contaminates foreign lands looking like waste lands the likes of which T. S. Eliot never could have imagined. To abandon military bases without reclamation is just one more atrocity of war.
Often these poisoned lands are those of indigenous peoples who who have no clout as they live on or beside poisonous petroleum soaked, atomic blasted soil and streams endangered by rusting war engines as the inhabitants, too, are contaminated by wars and their aftermaths–the last of First American inherent lands.
Author tweets for international peace
and peace of mind