Tuesday, November 10, 2015


"I hate war as only a soldier who has lived it can, only as one who has seen it's brutality, its futility, its stupidity. . . . I'm fed up to the ears with old men dreaming up wars for young men o die in."

Dear Ones,

Worldwide voices agree vehemently with this quotation.

     "Wisdom is Better than Weapons of War
    –Ecclesiastes in the Bible, written in 180 B.C.E.

Macabre refugee-causing wars have deep roots in suffering and grief,
Slaughter staged on drugged fields, even where poppies grow,
Haunted by soldiers who never forget wars that are never brief.

During America's Civil War of 1861-65
There were no foreign footprints of aid upon U.S. soil,
As fathers shot sons and sons their fathers just to stay alive.

Historic wars, religious rivalry and constant revenge
Primitive man blaming gods with sticks and stones
To modern nuclear missiles, extermination that will never end. 

Oh, for a pocket full of posies,
To stifle and stuff in mouths of roaring cannons,
To save Earth's people brought to exhausted knees.

Ashes, ashes we all fall down
As corporate men solicit funds for world retribution,
Trillions upon trillions for aftermath ruins in every war zone town.

So here's to the flowers to overcome
The endless stench of war, and to our youths
Who pay the price of old war lords whose minds are numb.

Some day far away a man will shoulder the last militant gun,
But then lay it down in capitulation,
With war surrendering to peace passing all understanding and has at last won.

When tolling bells and last battle cries for war die out across each sea 
Men will stop sacrificing youths for power, control and greed.
Only then will joy shine down on Earth in worldwide harmony.

  By Helene Smith, (Mame),
World Enlightened News (W.E.N.)