Numerous men wrote the Hebrew Bible around 3000 B.C.E. (Before C.E. Common Era) when Earthians believed the third planet from the sun was flat, except for scholars such as Aristotle, Copernicus and Galileo. Some time later 70 patriarchal men chose the books of their Bible from a long list of texts, with the only ones remaining translated into Greek from original Arabic. They nixed The Wisdom of Solomon because it was about the wisdom of women. But they cheered on and included the Song of Solomon since it described a beautiful, voluptuous Ethiopian woman with all the sexual details/
Then Paul, a Pharisee from Asia Minor, now Turkey, wrote most of the ancient texts of the New Testament tacked onto the archaic old Bible–forced on the Jewish people since Jewish Paul, not only was against women, but denounced the Hebrew people for killing Jesus, a Jew. This was what the Roman Empire did since the Nazarene was a peace maker and they wanted more, more, more war, war, war.
Paul's new religion stressed "Go ye into all the world" and demand only the worship of his new faith. The Great Commission is still in effect to this day of chaos over persuasions worldwide. And racism is based on Hoah's grandson Ham, being Exiled to Ethiopia, with many people still believe "God sent him there as a slave since he looked as his naked father. Thus evangelists still believe that Africans are inferior in the eyes of their god. If any one can make sense of this, he or she deserves a medal!
Dear Ones,
History is an open book, but it's often been censored. Emperor Constantine decreed that Christianiy heretofore would be legal. Prior to his time Christian extremists burned and destroyed ancient pagan landmarks and texts. Soon a new emperor, Theodosius declared the entire Roman Empire surrounding the Mediterranean Sea and what is now the British Isles must become Christian under the fear of death. Today such songs as "Onward Christian Soldiers, marching on to war, is still sung. reminiscent of the merchants of port city Venice funding the Crusades against Jews and Muslims.
If the world ignores past history men remain in the dark and continue to slaughter one another all based on man-made rival religions. Cyber wars are what we must fight with intelligence and high technology, not futile three stooge adversaries beating one another silly.
Don't forget Spanish Santiago's warning! Those who don't what happened before their time are doomed to repeat their mistakes. Besides, Cicero said "Those who don't know world history remain children all their lives." So let's all grow up!
Helene Smith (Mame),
World Enlightened News (W.E.N.)