Thursday, November 5, 2015


A TV warning was scrolled across screens internationally "If the United States doesn't get its unwanted military bases off Saudi Arabian lands something terrible will happen to Washington, D.C. and New York City."  But G.W. Bush and Richard Cheney with the powerful military ignored this flashing threat. They didn't believe in negotiation and diplomatic rhetoric. 

Thus America was attacked on 9-11by Saudi pilots, not  by Iraqis as the administration tried to fool the people on planet Earth. When this happened G.W. Bush said,"This means war" that he committed by saying "God told him to do it."  And all hell broke out on Iraq, a quagmire of chaos ever since this invasion, attack and occupation on a Middle Eastern nation that opened up Pandora's box that already was leaking.

Dear Ones,

At that time the president and company didn't believe in discussing serious complaints. They were more interested in contaminating foreign bases with leaking gas, oil and a place to dump Agent Orange as well as nuclear waste, such as on American Indian lands where cancer is now high among western nations where atomic testing exploded beside Indian reservations.  U.S bases were intentionally built there, a form of genocide.

There are over 500 indigenous lands controlled by the worst non-elected government agency–the Bureau of Indian Affairs (B.I.A.) –that's been stealing Native American money and land for over 77 years.

Would the U.S. permit foreign nations to have bases in America?

Helene Smith (Mame),
World Enlightened News (W.E.N.)