Some of America's founding fathers were for emancipation of slavery, but most of them were from the South and depended upon slavery. There were less slaves in the north since farming was not yet in great scales. However, one of the largest plantations near Connellsville, PA still has its large stone mansion with smaller stone slave quarters placed formally on both sides of the building. This was the the house of the iron furnace owner, Isaac Meason.
Dear Ones,
Since slavery is still a severe problem since it started systemically, "blacks" and "whites" are still rivals plagued by how much or how little of melanin is in their skin. It is a pigment problem that made humanity in different tones of skin, not by any god, but by reason of geography–how many centuries the original people lived near or far from the equator. Was sunshine on one's shoulder any reason to lynch dark skinned people or sterilize people as they did with American Indians and those from Puerto Rico in the i970s when Senator James Abourezk disclosed this CIA secrecy before Congress. English Parliament freed people in bondage in the 1830s. If the U.S. Congress had done that early, there would have been no civil war in 1861.
We treat cattle with more respect than we do humans. They're not pegged black or white but instead are identified according to their origins, like we should do by nationalities or continents of origin. Historically the word black is code for slave. When Americans stop name calling each other black, meaning mostly everything negative, and white that is taken for "purity" it will be a big step in closing the door on religious racism that cause wars in turn causing refugees. Sub conscience minds persist in disfranchising American Africans, as they did with American Indians, by calling them "blacks" denying them their inherent cultural roots. Italians and Jews were also called "blacks" to keep them out of country clubs, such as one in Ligonier, PA where one country club sign displayed "Gentiles only."
Helene Smith (Mame,
World Enlightened News (W.E.N,)