Tuesday, December 29, 2015


A War Department will never create peace since it only knows how to commit wars that boomerang revenge.  Why doesn't every nation have a Peace Department for check and balance to provide the majority of global populace with international peace–what we want?  Ever since Virgil born in 70 B.C.E. said, "There's no safety in war," peace is the best security we have. Why doesn't serious negotiation and diplomatic rhetoric be given the force of peace and humanitarian power, what never causes deaths of armed forces, amputees and eliminates war debts?

National armies are quintessentially needed for service to provide domestic help in a world choking from lethal war fumes quickly increasing tornadoes,  earthquakes and demonic electric storms from man-made manipulation of weather and accumulative toxic poisons. Gas guzzling wars on land and within sea with bombs and radioactive missiles bursting in air are the result of devilish devices that also produce the most carbon and combat deaths as well as brain damage to courageous young people

Why do Judo-Christian and Muslin leaders in governments pray for victorious peace "in Thy name" and it never ends due to constant aggression with corporate industrial war manufacturers and exporters, the only ones who profit?  Why do nations keep sacrificing their youths to futile, perpetual never ceasing sectarian wars inflaming combat zones for hundreds of years?

We the people must read Mark Twain's War Prayer. He walked away from explosive combat and lived to become famous for his literary prowess and facing reality, as did Thomas Paine through his book Common Sense. The Vietnam War ended at last, after brave soldiers sadly lost so many of their lives. And the ideology of Communism never withered. We are who we are with thousands of religions all claiming to be "God's chosen ones." But what we should be shouting for is equality, free trade schools and high education for all.

Nations must put forth their best action by being humanitarian examples to lead uneducated and often mentally deficient cult leaders of young men so weak that they are easily lured into extremist killing, Others are fed up with racial, religiosity that can only practice biased beliefs instead of offering young people of dark skin well-paying jobs, food and clean water on the table and the same security that light complexioned people get.

The father of race in 1797 was a German who divided humans into a class of color-coded people, a hierarchy with so called "whites"  on top of the pyramid and so-called "blacks" on the bottom with redskins and yellows somewhere in between. Ever since then, bigotry and prejudice have jumped sky high within the asphyxiating fumes of a war-torn world. It was the Father of  Race, J.F. Blumenfeld who invented his insidiously divided classification system that became vicious rivalry. And it was Hitler in an attempt to justify his barbaric genocide, who with his Nazis, killed millions of Hebrews and other unfortunate people through the Father of Race's system of "purity of race."

Helene Smith (Mame),
World Enlightened News (W.E.N,)