Thursday, December 17, 2015


Most people in the United States forget the racist religious history of the bogey man that has led up to the present stage called political correctness.  This black, negative record regards the hardest of all nuts to crack. As a review the color black means code for slavery, a subconscious term that many biased people use for slavery to mentally disfranchise American Indians and American Africans from their inherited sovereign cultures. But the bigoted people are brain dead to it. The following summary is the American history of a black list of black, negative behavior that started with European immigrants to the Americas.

1. Columbus with Spanish painted red crossed sails, eventually scalping natives and bashing their babies against trees to fulfill the lust of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella with each succeeding boat

2, U.S. Civil War that ended slavery on paper by President Lincoln

3. "White" man's Jim Crow illegal laws to stop former people in bondage from having jobs, respecr, etc.

4.Physical deaths and lynchings that lasted even in some cases today

5. Police brutality of American Africans, the bane of U.S. imprisonment–the majority of young "black" men often with no respect) the majority of incarcerations that non-African young men get way with

6. Although today there are many profession and famous talented African Americans on the mainland  and those on tropical islands where their ancestors had been shipped to as slaves, there is still lack of respect by the biased.

7. People with dark complexions have now been successful for eons in prominent positions since they are now protected by just laws for human rights after centuries of strife, protests and imprisonment of abolitionists and suffragettes to enable them to vote, with many continuing to be stigmatized.

8. The youngest of the three Semitic faiths in America have also been bullied persecuted by the Crusaders and are now rising up through violent terrorism of retaliation,

Although human right laws tend to keep the suppressed safe from physical harm, the mentality of black, negativism comes out in bigoted language hiding under the label of free speech.

Dear Ones,

This biased smugness in demeaning words is the root cause that continues to grow as oppressed American Muslim youths, like their fellow dark complected American "Indians" and American Africans before them, have become rogue extremists of vengeance of terrorism and violence, similzf go "white' men who formed the Ku Klux Klan. Now it's the newcomer oppressed who are getting even through their own radical,, brain washed branches of their original peaceful religion,

More than ever before the moderation of political corrective language is quintessential to tone down the bully fearful dreaded bugaboo of racial religious wars.  In this last stage in the history of American bigotry we must use our brains instead of our brawn.

The United States is at the beginning of an enlightened age with the rest of the world, hopefully.

Helene Smith (Mame),
World Enlightened News (W.E.N.)