Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Dear Ones,

True love is a merry-go-round, what makes Earth go around, a many splendered thing as the song birds sing.


Helene Smith, copyright 2004
The moment I looked into your eyes
I knew we had loved before.
Your infectious laughter, how could I forget
The memory of your twinkling smile.

Your sweet soul blended with mine,
Passion that will never die,
The light of my life, my constant mate,
My eternal sigh.


The love of centuries still haunts me so,
Somewhere, some place, in space and time,
Like shadow mountains and rolling seas,
I see your face wherever I go.
Deja vue.  Deja vue.  It all comes back to me. 
Deja vue, how I love you so.

(Runner-up for Achievement in Poetry Award, Eber and Wein Publishing)

These lyrics were written for my drama, Where Eagles Fly–about homeless 

veterans of foreign wars.  The written music for the theme song  and script for my drama 

is ready  for book/movie production. Setting takes place in Jacksonville, FL, the largest city in the 

United States, area wise. The play involves romance, mystery, a nudist camp, creativity, the 

solving of a dug crime and imagination in helping those who have lost their homes to bank 

foreclosures, unemployment and other social failures.  Trapeze, an ex-circus acrobat, 

provides  comical relief for an imaginative fantasy of small cottages within ovely gardens all

maintained by the owners from the streets who now recycle everything for a profit.  

Cherokee's dogs, Search and Destroy, also provide great  for entertainment.

The scene opens on a remote Altancic Ocean beach bordering a woodlands nudest colony.  Four 

men are playing cards as they look up from time to time admiring some of the passing bathers.  One 

of  the nudist  card players  is wearing nothing but a hat and a huge emerald ring. His back is turned 

toward the photographer;  His face is not seen.